our email will work with a custom domain (address@yoursite.com), and it's typically straightforward to set up. You can use an email hosting plan to effectively replace your web host's service, or you can try one without having any hosting at all.
Translated into 45 languages
This app is for people using a unique email-address (Domain like yourname.com) and searching for a Webmail-interface (Email to Internet)
Email Hosting is a secure, independent and advertising-free mail service based on IMAP and POP3 . It offers security and a direct access to any mailbox without any installation effort and without data-consuming synchronization of the mailbox by working directly with your mailserver - so you don't need to change MX-records for your domain.
- Optimized for minimal data transfer (gzip compression of all data traffic)
- Easy to use
- Combined Inbox (for registered users)
- Provider-Independent (up to now more than 10 000 supported provider)
- Virus protection in real-time
- Malware protection using Google Safe Browsing
- Spam protection (for registered users)
- Notifications (using Google GCM)
- Integrated document viewer
- Integrated Autoresponder
- No Advertising
- IMAP and POP3
- International
- SSL and TLS
And more
电子邮件托管是一种基于IMAP和POP3的安全,独立且无广告的邮件服务。它提供安全性并可直接访问任何邮箱,无需任何安装工作,并且无需通过直接使用邮件服务器实现邮箱同步 - 因此您无需更改域的MX记录。
- 针对最小数据传输进行了优化(对所有数据流量进行gzip压缩)
- 使用方便
- 组合收件箱(适用于注册用户)
- 独立于提供商(截至目前已超过10 000名支持的提供商)
- 实时病毒防护
- 使用Google安全浏览进行恶意软件防护
- 垃圾邮件防护(适用于注册用户)
- 通知(使用Google GCM)
- 集成文档查看器
- 集成自动应答器
- 没有广告
- 国际
our email will work with a custom domain (address@yoursite.com), and it's typically straightforward to set up. You can use an email hosting plan to effectively replace your web host's service, or you can try one without having any hosting at all.
Translated into 45 languages
This app is for people using a unique email-address (Domain like yourname.com) and searching for a Webmail-interface (Email to Internet)
Email Hosting is a secure, independent and advertising-free mail service based on IMAP and POP3 . It offers security and a direct access to any mailbox without any installation effort and without data-consuming synchronization of the mailbox by working directly with your mailserver - so you don't need to change MX-records for your domain.
- Optimized for minimal data transfer (gzip compression of all data traffic)
- Easy to use
- Combined Inbox (for registered users)
- Provider-Independent (up to now more than 10 000 supported provider)
- Virus protection in real-time
- Malware protection using Google Safe Browsing
- Spam protection (for registered users)
- Notifications (using Google GCM)
- Integrated document viewer
- Integrated Autoresponder
- No Advertising
- IMAP and POP3
- International
- SSL and TLS
And more